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The Laguna Madre Water District is committed to proactively serve its customers by providing reliable, safe, high quality water and wastewater services and ensuring to be in compliance with environmental requirements. In addition, the LMWD has been proactive by seeking funding opportunities through state
and federal programs that promote and encourage an active partnership for the purpose of planning, funding and implementing water and energy savings measures.
The Laguna Madre Water District participates in an Energy Management Program that helps ERCOT to stabilize the Texas electricity grid by voluntarily agreeing to curtail the electric load before rolling blackouts or other such outage events occur. In return, ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) generously compensates participants in the demand response program.
ERCOT has the responsibility to maintain the Texas grid stable, and to that end, Demand Response resources are deployed as needed in the following order:
• Contact local media
• Deploy LaaR Demand Response resources [LaaR-Load acting as a resource]
• Deploy EILS Demand Response resources [EILS- Emergency Interruptible Load Service]
• Rolling blackouts
LaaR is the second preventive measure established to reduce the frequency and duration of rolling blackouts within ERCOT territory. On the other end, EILS can be used when the LaaR deployment has failed to solve the grid problem.
On June 25, 2009, the Laguna Madre Water District signed an agreement with EnerNOC, Inc. who has been managing the District’s participation in the EILS Program. Through this program, the LMWD has been providing a valuable service to our community by helping to reduce peak demand and keeping the electrical grid running when it is more vulnerable to blackouts.
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